【期間】2025年4月19日(土) ~ 2025年5月25日(日)
【開館時間】10:00~19:30 (入館締切:閉館30分前)
一般 1,000円(800円)
高・大学生 800円(600円)
小・中学生 600円(400円)
※( )内は前売料金。「障害者手帳」をご提示のご本人さまとご同伴者1名さまは、当日料金より200円割引。
【販売場所】当館チケット窓口 (※3月31日(日)までの販売)、チケットぴあ(Pコード995-328)、ローソンチケット(Lコード54663)
アクセス:〒600-8555 京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町
電話番号: 075(352)1111(大代表)
半世紀以上、海と海に生きるものたちを撮り続けている水中写真家、中村征夫(1945- 秋田県生まれ)。水面下から広がる雄大な海には、それぞれ生きものたちが暮らすユニークな楽園(社会)が存在します。色や形など、見れば見るほど色彩豊かな海の世界。うっかり見逃してしまうような海の生きものたちを、100点を超える写真作品で紹介します。2024年9月、初めて京都の海に潜った際の撮りおろし最新作も特別展示します。笑い顔や泣き顔、すまし顔など、まったく人間と変わらない個性溢れる生きものたちとの一期一会を、写真家のユーモア溢れるコメントと共にお楽しみください。 また、作家によるイベントも多数開催しますので、ぜひご参加ください。
中村征夫 プロフィール
【Ikuo Nakamura Photo Exhibition ― Great Underwater Faces Expo】
Underwater photographer Ikuo Nakamura (born 1945 in Akita Prefecture) has been capturing images of the ocean and its inhabitants for over fifty years. Beneath the water’s surface lies a vast ocean with unique paradises (societies), home to diverse creatures. The marine world becomes increasingly colorful as you observe its shapes and hues. Through over 100 photographic works, we introduce marine life that might otherwise go unnoticed. The exhibition also features special new works from the photographer’s first dive in Kyoto’s waters in September 2024. Join us in experiencing these once-in-a-lifetime encounters with marine creatures who display personalities as diverse as humans—with smiling faces, crying faces, and composed expressions—accompanied by the photographer’s humorous commentary.
【Ikuo Nakamura Profile】
Underwater photographer Ikuo Nakamura (born 1945 in Akita Prefecture) has been capturing images of the ocean and its inhabitants for over fifty years. Beneath the water’s surface lies a vast ocean with unique paradises (societies), home to diverse creatures. The marine world becomes increasingly colorful as you observe its shapes and hues. Through over 100 photographic works, we introduce marine life that might otherwise go unnoticed. The exhibition also features special new works from the photographer’s first dive in Kyoto’s waters in September 2024. Join us in experiencing these once-in-a-lifetime encounters with marine creatures who display personalities as diverse as humans—with smiling faces, crying faces, and composed expressions—accompanied by the photographer’s humorous commentary.
■Museum「EKi」KYOTO (Kyoto Station Building 7th Floor)
■Exhibition dates: Saturday, April 19th. 2025 to Sunday, May 25th, 2025
(open every day)
■Opening Times: 10:00 am to 7:30 pm (latest entry 7:00 pm)
■Entry fee (tax incl.): General 1000 yen (800 yen), high school and university students 800 yen (600 yen) *Present your student ID, junior high school and elementary school students 600 yen (400 yen).
Please note that prices indicated in brackets apply to advance purchase tickets.
■Advance purchase ticket sales dates: Saturday, March 1st. 2025 to Friday, April 18th. 2025
Advance tickets may be purchased at Museum「EKi」KYOTO(Until March 30th.2025), or through Ticket PIA, Lawson Ticket.