東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS

篠原 猛史 -生の臨界点-


【期間】2023年11月10日(金) – 11月25日(土)
【開館時間】12:00 – 18:00



アクセス:〒604-0995 京都市中京区寺町通丸太町東南角下御霊前町633青山ビル1F
電話番号: 075-585-4160






 近年の主な個展は、「月の臨界角」松坂屋上野店外商サロン(東京、2023年)、「可視の臨界点」GALLERY TOMO(京都、2020年)など。近年出展したアートフェアとしてACK (国立京都国際会館、2021、2022)、art KYOTO 2023 (元離宮二条城、2023)、アートフェア東京2023 (東京国際フォーラム、2023)など。彼の作品は、大英博物館(ロンドン)を筆頭に、アントワープ王立美術館(アントワープ)、ブダペスト美術館(ブダペスト)、ゲント現代美術館(ゲント)、愛知県立美術館(名古屋)、国立国際美術館(大阪)など、数多くの著名な公共及び民間のコレクションに収蔵されています。


Takeshi Shinohara was born in Kyoto, Japan, and graduated from the Pratt Institute in New York in 1981 with a degree in drawing. Since then, he has refined his art while based in Belgium, Canada, Ghana, France, Scandinavia, and various other countries. In the 2000s, Shinohara relocated to Japan, where he has been active since the beginning of the decade.

Shinohara’s work does not distinguish between three-dimensional and two-dimensional, abstract and figurative. He composes his works by using wind, water, fire, sound, and all other things as materials. These are not mere figurative compositions or abstract conceptual assertions, but rather expressions of realistic issues such as the constant cycles of nature and their relationship to human activity.

Shinohara recognized that he was approaching the end of his life. The confrontation of nature and artifice, life and death. There are boundaries and clear differences (distinctions) between the various elements. Although it would be sad for anyone to feel their life is about to expire, Shinohara is still alive, and he is creating works of art in the time that is only now available. Artist, gallerist, and viewer. The “Critical” series of recent years can be said to be about waiting for the moment when all reflections occur when each of us faces the work.

In this context, recent works are mainly based on the keyword “critical. These works are filled with blue(Shinohara blue). In such a situation, the viewer recognizes blue. At first glance, it may appear to be just blue. However, it exists as a representation of time that endures. Three years ago, in “The Critical Point of Visibility, 2020,” the artist reaffirmed the relationship between society and art, and also held an installation on the Kamo River in Kyoto. In the two exhibitions from the year before last, “Moon of weather lone, 2021” and “Critical Angle of the Moon, 2022,” the works are expressed in a form based more on the artist’s inner emanation. The paintings and the music are both recognizable to the viewer. While both paintings and music exist as paintings and music because there are people who recognize them, these works categorize Shinohara himself, becoming one with the viewer and composing the work. It is an opportunity to rethink the way life is, the way works of art are, and their definitions.

Recent major solo exhibitions include “Critical Angle of the Moon” at Matsuzakaya Ueno Store, Tokyo (2023) and “Critical Point of Visibility” at Gallery Tomo, Kyoto (2020). Recent art fairs he has exhibited at include ACK (Kyoto International Conference Center, 2021, 2022), art KYOTO 2023 (Nijo Castle, 2023), and Art Fair Tokyo 2023 (Tokyo International Forum, 2023). His work is held in a number of prominent public and private collections, including the British Museum (London), Royal Museum of Fine Arts (Antwerp), Budapest Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest), Ghent Contemporary Art Museum (Ghent), Aichi prefectural museum of art (Nagoya), and The National Museum of Art , Osaka (Osaka).



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