東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS

ZEN AIR 2023


1. 制作コース
2. リサーチコース


【応募締切】2023年8月15日(火) 日本時間23時59分【必着】


【Application Overview】
Eiheiji Town in Fukui Prefecture, home to Eiheiji, the head temple of the Soto sect of Buddhism, is known as the “village of Zen.” This project will provide artists and other art professionals (hereinafter, “artists”) the opportunity to experience Zen culture, conduct research on Zen and the region, and engage in creation and research while engaging with local residents.
The artists will be asked to communicate the results of their work and research through these activities. As such, this program is intended to support artists, and at the same time, to draw out the spirit and culture of Zen that live on in the town from an artist’s perspective, thereby encouraging a sense of attachment to the region and interest in art and culture, and fostering a variety of connections, both among people and between people and culture.

Production Course
・Residence period: Minimum 60 days to maximum 90 days between September 1, 2023 (Fri) and December 20, 2023 (Wed)
・Production of artwork during residence in Eiheiji Town
・Any genre
・Required: Presentation of the results of activities, such as artwork exhibitions, performances and talks

Research Course
・Residence period: Minimum 20 days to maximum 90 days between September 1, 2023 (Fri) and December 20, 2023 (Wed)
・Research and study of Zen culture and Eiheiji Town
・Required: Presentation of the results of activities in forms of presentations, talks, etc.

【Application Requirements】
・Artists, researchers and curators aged 20 and over
・No restrictions on nationality
・Ability to communicate in Japanese or English

【deadline】August 15, 2023 (Tue) (must arrive no later than 23:59 Japan time)



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© 2014- 2025 一般社団法人HAPS