東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS


ゆいぽーとは中学校を改修した施設で、文化芸術活動と青少年体験活動の2つの機能を併せ持つ複合施設です。新潟市の中心市街地にほど近く、日本海と松林を臨む立地環境にあります。新潟市の自然や歴史、文化の魅力に刺激を受けながら、より創造性の高い創作活動を行うことができます。 滞在する芸術家等は制作過程を公開すると共に、ワークショップやリサーチなどを通し、市民や青少年との交流で関係を育み、多様な創作展開に繋げることができます。また、同時期に滞在する芸術家等が互いに交流することで、異なる分野の融合による新たな場の創出を図ります。



【応募締切】2023年8月18日(金) 日本時間23時59分【必着】


【Application Overview】
The purpose of Artist in Residence project is to host and support artists etc. from domestic and overseas who conduct creative activities while residing at the Niigata City Center for Creative Arts and International Youth Exchange (YUI – PORT), to create an environment where creative-rich human resources can easily gather, to transmit the charm of Niigata City to domestic and overseas, to inspire regional pride and affection by rediscovering the attractions of nature, history and culture of this region through the interaction of citizens and artists etc.
YUI – PORT is a refurbished former junior high school facility. It is a complex facility to conduct two activities, “experience based activities for youth” and “cultural and artistic activities”. The location is near the central urban area of Niigata City and located in an environment facing the Sea of Japan and the pine forest. It is possible for artists etc. residing in the facility to conduct higher creative activities while being inspired by Niigata City’s natural, historical and cultural charm. Artist etc. residing in the facility will open their creative process to the public and through workshops and research, it is possible to nurture relationships with citizens and youth and lead to diverse creative developments. Also, by artists etc. residing at the same time period interacting with each other, it leads to create new area by fusing different kind of fields.

Number of Applicants Invited: 2 people (or groups)
Duration of Stay: Within 30 days from January 7, 2024 (Sunday) to February 20, 2024 (Tuesday)

・Currently active artist (genre does not matter).
・Participate in the citizen exchange project at least once in cooperation with Designated Administrator.
・Reside and conduct creative activities in YUI – PORT.
・Able to communicate in either Japanese or English.
・In good health condition.

【deadline】August 18, 2023 (Friday) 23:59 JST [No Later Than]



HAPSについて | アーティスト支援 | アートと共生社会
お知らせ | 相談・お問い合わせ | アクセス
サイトマップ | プライバシーポリシー


© 2014- 2025 一般社団法人HAPS