【日付】2025年2月15日(土) ~ 3月2日(日)
【時間】12:00 ~18:00 (最終日は17:00まで)
会場名:gallery Unfold
アクセス:〒606-8412 京都市左京区浄土寺馬場町1-3
gallery Unfoldでは、この度、馮聖心たち群展『身に住まう私たち』を開催いたします。馮聖心は自身の体内風景をテーマに、テキスタイルデザイン、イラストレーション、ドローイング、クラフトなど、多岐にわたるメディアと形式で作品を制作しています。幼少期からアニミズムの影響を受け、動物や自然、物から体内の臓器まで、一つ一つにアニマが宿っていると考え、それらの様態やダイナミズムを表現しています。
FENG SHENG SHINs Swarm Exhibition
“Inhabiting the Body”
・Date|2025.2.15 – 3.2 | Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
・︎Time|12:00-18:00(The last day is until17:00)
Feng Sheng Shin creates works centered on the theme of her inner
landscapes, producing pieces across a wide range of media and forms,
including textile design, illustration, drawing, and crafts. Influenced
by animism since childhood, she believes that everything, from animals
and nature to objects and the internal organs of the body, contains its
own animus (spirit). She expresses the states and dynamics of these
Her exploration of inner landscapes began after she was diagnosed with
an autoimmune disease. In this exhibition, she presents works that
expand the concept of inner landscapes. Through various approaches, Feng
explores the self beyond flat paintings, venturing into soft textiles,
three-dimensional spaces, and improvisational actions. In doing so, she
depicts fluid and mutable body landscapes while guiding the viewer into
the mysterious yet intimate inner life of existence. Please join this
journey of self-exploration. Perhaps, among “us,” you may also find