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日台EXCHANGE Vol.1『ナビクラブ(Navi Club)』


【作家】船越 晴稀 + 陳 奕彣 + 黄 冠傑|Haruki Funakoshi + Chen Yi-Wen + Huang Guan-Jie
【日付】2024年12月7日(土) ~ 12月22日(日)
【時間】12:00 ~18:00


会場名:gallery Unfold
アクセス:〒606-8412 京都市左京区浄土寺馬場町1-3


「ナビクラブ(Navi Club)」は、京都を拠点に活動する船越 晴稀、台湾・台中を拠点に創作を行う陳 奕彣、黄 冠傑の3名によるエクスチェンジプロジェクトです。

日本統治時代の台湾では、京都の鴨川に劣らない景観を持つとして「小京都」と称された台中の「緑川」があります(なお「緑川」という名称は日本人の佐久間左馬太によって名付けられました)。この歴史的背景は、京都を拠点に活動を行う船越 晴稀と台中を創作拠点とする陳 奕彣、黄 冠傑との文化的なつながりの一つと言えるでしょう。



本展では、gallery Unfoldを拠点として考え、期間中にインストールを繰り返していくことで、次第に互いの距離を引き寄せていくことを試みます。 この想像が創造へと展開するプロセス、そしてイマジネーションによって訪れることのない場所を旅する契機に、ぜひご参加ください。

Navi Club is an exchange project by three artists: Haruki Funakoshi, based in Kyoto, and Chen Yi-Wen and Huang Guan-Jie , who are based in Taichung, Taiwan.

During the period of Japanese rule in Taiwan, Taichung’s “Green Waterway” was referred to as “Little Kyoto” for its scenic beauty, comparable to the Kamo River in Kyoto (incidentally, the name “Green Waterway” was given by the Japanese governor Sakauma Samata). This historical background can be seen as one of the cultural connections between Haruki Funakoshi, who works in Kyoto, and Chen Yi-Wen and Huang Guan-Jie, who are based in Taichung.

Although this project is under the banner of a “cultural exchange,” we have neither met face-to-face nor spoken directly. Instead, the project has progressed through the exchange of photographs. It might be described as a form of fieldwork conducted without physical presence, or perhaps an accelerated investigation of unfamiliar places.

Even upon viewing the exchanged images, it is impossible to discern when, where, or why they were taken from fragmented information alone. It was, in a sense, like piecing together scattered fragments of a map in a game of GeoGuessr. For this reason, we set aside the broad framework of nationality and approached the project with a sense of familiarity, akin to flipping through our own photo albums.

This exhibition is anchored at gallery Unfold, where we will repeatedly install and reconfigure works throughout its duration, gradually closing the distance between three artistic minds. We invite you to participate in this process, where imagination unfolds into creation and journeys to unvisited places through the power of imagery.


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