東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS

第30回UBEビエンナーレ 作品募集



応募作品規格:作品は未発表のものに限ります。作品の大きさは3辺(高さ・幅・奥行き、台座を含む)の合計が設置した状態で900cm以内、総重  量は10トン以内で、通常の10トントラック一台で特別な通行許可等必要なく運搬できる作品とします。屋外の公共空間での設置及び保管に耐えうるもので、耐震性・耐風圧性を有し、人が触れても  安全で破損等の危険性がなく、また頻繁にメンテナンスの必要がないものとします。第三者の権利を侵害しないものとします。



【Application Overview】
UBE Biennale (International Sculpture Competition) is the nation’s first, large-scale outdoorsculpture exhibition launched in 1961 at the initiative of citizens in search for an improved post-war cityscape and richness of mind. Since its inception, the project played a significant role as the frontier of “urban revitalization through art.” For the 30th exhibition, 15 full-scale works and 30 models of the winning works will be on display, followed by the permanent installation of winning works of Grand Prize and UBE Corporation Prize in public spaces across the city. The City of Ube is very much looking forward to your ambitious works.

【Applicant Eligibility】
The competition is open to all individuals and groups, and amateurs and professionals for all types of sculptures. Each applicant can only submit one work.

Work Specifications:
A) Entries must be original works, which have not been exhibited to the public elsewhere.
B) Maximum size of the actual work is 900cm (Total dimension of height +width +depth, including pedestal should be less than 900cm). Maximum weight of the actual work is 10-ton. The actual work must be able to be transported with a 10ton truck without the special right of passage.
C) The sculpture should take into consideration the safety of the viewers. The materials and the structure must be suitable for an outdoor environment, be able to withstand wind pressure and earthquakes and be safe to touch. Works that need frequent repairs or maintenance are not desirable.
D) The work should not infringe upon the rights of third parties.
E) Works that do not meet the above terms will not be presented to the judges.

【deadline】5pm on Sunday, September 10, 2023



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