東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS

SICF25(第25回スパイラル・インディペンデント・クリエイターズ・フェスティバル)出展クリエイター募集/Open call for the 25 Spiral Independent Creators Festival (SICF25)


Launched in 2000, Spiral Independent Creators Festival (SICF) is an open-call art festival that aspires to discover, foster, and support emerging artists and designers. Organized by Spiral, an arts complex in Tokyo’s Aoyama, SICF brings together creative talents across different fields and disciplines to present their work. The festival attracts a wide variety of visitors from the creative industries, including gallery owners, curators, collectors, buyers, and media professionals. Over the years, SICF has continued to expand as a platform for artistic activities, through encounters between new talents and visitors. At the end of the festival, a series of prizes is announced, including the Judges’ Awards, Semi-Grand Prize, and Grand Prize as well as the Audience Award, which is selected by visitors and the Best Seller Award given to the creator who sold the most items. The winners receive the opportunity to exhibit their work again at Spiral.

SICF25 MARKET部門暮らす、食べる、装うといった日々の生活にアートの視点を取り入れる提案として、工芸/クラフト、 プロダクト、フードなどの作品を、指定の展示台と幅1,500mm×高さ2,400mm の壁面を組み合わせて、3日間展示・販売していただきます。

We look for creators in the fields of design, craft, production and distribution of edible goods and more, who are proposing artistic ways of living, eating and dressing. For 3 days, the selected creators will be able to present and sale their items in an individual area composed of a counter table and the wall behind, measuring W1,500 x H2,400mm.

SICF25 EXHIBITION部門絵画、立体・インスタレーション、イラストレーション、グラフィックデザイン、写真、映画、メディアアート、エンジニアリング、パフォーマンスやそれら既存のジャンルにとらわれない作品を幅1,650mm×奥行き1,650mm×高さ2,400mmのブースにて3日間展示。自由に表現していただきます。

We are searching for creators in the fields of painting, sculpture, installation, illustration, graphic design, photography, video, media art, engineering, performing arts, mixed-media and more, who are challenging the boundaries of genre. For 3 days, the selected creators will be able to express themselves freely, within a booth measuring W1,650 x D1,650 x H2,400mm.

【締切】2024年2月14日(水)APPLICATION deadline:February 14th (Wed), 2024



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© 2014- 2025 一般社団法人HAPS