今回のコクヨデザインアワードでは、“primitive” を「本質の再定義」と解釈しました。
独自の視点と創造性を活かし、それぞれの“primitive” を探求することで、
【応募期間】2023年7月28日(金)—10月11日(水)PM12:00(日本時間 正午)まで
2. 応募規約に同意いただける方。※応募者が未成年の場合には、親権者その他の法定代理人の同意をいただける方。
What do you picture upon hearing the word “primitive”?
Is it the “original” state, close to nature, the bare form before it is polished, refined, or developed?
Or the “primordial” state, which predates artificial touches?
For this year’s KOKUYO DESIGN AWARDS, we interpreted “primitive” as “redefined essence.”
If we return to the idea of “primitive” in order to create the future, what form of evolution can we imagine?
When we take a fresh look at our familiar materials, we may discover the possibility of further development.
By utilizing your unique perspectives and creativity, we can explore the “primitive” in each of us.
We invite you to show us the “essence” of the future.
Registration & Submission:July 28 – 12:00 (noon) JST on October 11, 2023
ELIGIBLE ENTRIES:Any stationery, furniture or tool used in working, learning and living scenes
ELIGIBILITY:The competition accepts entries from any corporation, individual, or group that fulfills all the following requirements, regardless of their age, sex, occupation, or nationality.
1. Persons who are able to give a presentation at the final judging (March 16, 2024).
* The contest organizer will pay expenses incurred by participants for travel and lodging
(up to two individuals for group entries).
2. Persons who consent to these Rules.
* In cases when an entrant is a minor, the consent of their parent or other statutory agent is required.