東山 アーティスツ・プレイスメント・サービス(HAPS)

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© 2014-2025 一般社団法人HAPS

生誕140年 ユトリロ展

【開館時間】10:00 – 19:30
一般 1,000円(800円)
大学生 800円(600円)
中学生 600円(400円)
※( )内は前売料金。「障害者手帳」をご提示のご本人さまとご同伴者1名さまは、当日料金より各200円割引。



アクセス:〒600-8555 京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町
電話番号: 075(352)1111(大代表)




□日時:12月2日(土) 1回目11:00~ 2回目14:00~
□講師:松沢 寿重氏(新潟市新津美術館 館長)

Overview of Exhibition

Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955) is an artist known for his paintings of melancholic Parisian cityscapes. He took up painting as a form of treatment for his alcoholism and developed his talents to become one of the leading painters of the School of Paris, even awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Legion of Honor in 1928. Amid his approximately half-century-spanning career, the works he painted during his “white period” around 1908 to 1914 are especially well-regarded.

This exhibition commemorating the 140th anniversary of his birth presents works from domestic collections mainly representing the “white period” that boosted his reputation as a painter, characterized by depictions of white plaster walls, but also his earlier “Montmagny period” and his “colored period” featuring the use of rich colors that began in 1915, as well as his final years.

■Museum「EKi」KYOTO (Kyoto Station Building 7th Floor)
■Exhibition dates: Friday/public holiday, November 3th, 2023 to Monday, December 25th, 2023 (open every day)
■Opening Times: 10:00 am to 7:30 pm (latest entry 7:00 pm)
■Entry fee (tax incl.): General 1000 yen (800 yen), high school and university students 800 yen (600 yen) *Present your student ID, junior high school and elementary school students 600 yen (400 yen).
Please note that prices indicated in brackets apply to advance purchase tickets.
■Advance purchase ticket sales dates: Saturday, September 9th. 2023 to Thursday, November 2th, 2023
Advance tickets may be purchased at Museum「EKi」KYOTO (excluding days museum is closed), or through Ticket PIA (P-Code 686-578), Lawson Ticket (L-Code 52898) and other major ticket sellers.


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