【作家】洪 瑄(HUNG Hsuan)、大野修(OHNO Shu)
【日付】2025年3月8日(土)- 3月23日(日)
会場名:gallery Unfold
アクセス:〒606-8412 京都市左京区浄土寺馬場町1-3
この度 gallery Unfold(ギャラリー・アンフォールド)とFINCH ARTS(フィンチアーツ)は、2025年3月8日(土)から3月23日(日)にかけて、展覧会「都市と絵画のテクスチャー」を開催いたします。
洪 瑄(ホン・シュアン)と大野修(オオノ・シュウ)二人の作家は、水墨画、絵画、彫刻のフレームを用いつつ、都市の風景や建築的な素材との対話から、独自の絵画・彫刻表現の可能性を探求しています。洪瑄は東洋の水墨画の伝統を基盤としながら、絹や紙、建材といった異なる素材のテクスチャーに着目し、透過性や層の概念を繊細に組み上げます。それは都市の機能的な要素を取り入れた「21世紀の額装」という視点から絵画と空間の関係を再考する試みでもあります。大野修はコンクリートや廃材といった工業的な素材を扱い、彫刻の枠組みを照射する表現を展開します。都市が生む物質の痕跡を拾い上げ、破壊と修復を繰り返しながら、時間の積層や構造の変容を探る彼の作品には、工業的な風景に潜む詩的な要素が刻み込まれています。
主催|galery Unfold
gallery Unfold and FINCH ARTS are pleased to present the exhibition “Textures of the City and Painting,” which will be held from Saturday, March 8, to Sunday, March 23, 2025.Featuring the works of HUNG HSUAN and OHNO SHU, this exhibition explores the possibilities of painting and sculpture through dialogue with urban landscapes and architectural materials, while incorporating the frameworks of ink painting, painting, and sculpture. HUNG HSUAN builds upon the tradition of East Asian ink painting, focusing on the textures of diverse materials such as silk, paper, and building materials. Through a delicate interplay of transparency and layering, her work reconsiders the relationship between painting and space from the perspective of a “21st-century framing” that integrates the functional elements of the city. OHNO SHU, on the other hand, works with industrial materials such as concrete and discarded remnants, developing an artistic practice that illuminates the framework of sculpture. By collecting traces of materiality left by the city and engaging in cycles of destruction and restoration, his work explores the accumulation of time and the transformation of structures, embedding poetic elements within industrial landscapes. This exhibition highlights the relationships between texture, painting, sculpture, and the urban environment through the works of HUNG and OHNO. Transparency, layering, destruction, and restoration—how do these processes intertwine art and the city, manifesting as texture? We invite you to experience this dialogue firsthand.
Exhibition Title|Textures of City and PaintingExhibition
Dates|March 8 (Sat) – March 23 (Sun), 2025
Venue|gallery Unfold (1-3 Jodojibanba-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8412, Japan)
Open Days|Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Opening Hours|12:00 – 18:00 (The last day is until 17:00)
Organiser|gallery Unfold
Co-organiser|FINCH ARTS
Artists|HUNG Hsuan, OHNO Shu