《起こす》Erect, 2017, Reborn Art Festival, Ishinomaki 2017

GLOBAL ART TALK 021 “Site-Specific Art: What We Can Do At That Place, At That Time, With Those People There” by Shimabuku (Artist)
For this Global Art Talk 021, we invite Shimabuku, an artist active internationally while based in Okinawa. Since the early 1990s, he has constantly created art and exhibited at locations outside of art museums and galleries. Although “site-specific art” generally refers to art that makes use of the unique characteristics of a given location, Shimabuku believes that it is also important to examine the relationships created with people related to that place. This will be a valuable opportunity to hear Shimabuku look back at his 30 years of unique art activity, which has been internationally recognize.
※Talk is in Japanese only.

About the Talk

Time/Date:18:30-20:00 2020.9.02 Wed.
Admission:Free (Booking required)
*We will hold the Global Art Talk online this time to take preventive measures against the proliferation of COVID-19. Please kindly understand that we still have possibility to cancel this event depending on the circumstances.
* Information to access the online talk will be informed via email in advance.

Organized by: Kyoto University of the Arts, Graduate School of Art and Design Studies/HAPS
download the flyer

About the Speaker

After living in Berlin, Germany for 12 years, Shimabuku moved to Naha in 2017 where he is currently based. From the beginning of the 1990s, he has travelled to various places in Japan and overseas, creating performances and installations that consider the daily lives and cultures of people he encounters, as well as new forms of communication. Full of poetic sentiment and humor while also inspiring people in metaphorical ways, his style has gained a worldwide reputation. Shimabuku has participated in group shows at Centre Pompidou in Paris and Hayward Gallery in London, and in numerous international exhibitions including Venice Biennale (2003, 2017), São Paulo Biennale (2006), Havana Biennale (2015) and Lyon Biennale (2017). Large-scale solo exhibitions are planned in 2020 and 2021 throughout Europe.


For Booking:
Global Art Talk 021 Booking Form
For Inquires:


Connecting Kyoto and the World through Contemporary Art
The environment surrounding contemporary art has become vastly more complex over the past few decades. Faced with this situation, it is no easy task for artists to find a way to be active at a global level. Naturally, it is virtually impossible to get a firm grasp on the art scenes that are being produced concurrently all over the world. In particular, in neighboring Asian countries that are seeing rapid economic growth and modernization, there are more opportunities than ever before to show one’s work, taking into account the new art museums and art fairs that are being established, and the flourishing numbers of international exhibitions. Although global attention focused on this region has increased, the situation is quite different in Japan, where there is a general sense that the work of developing art-related institutions has been finished. However, it is precisely this state of affairs that has led to a renewed questioning of how global networks are constructed, a reconsideration of how institutionalization works, and the role of artists in society.
In Kyoto, art schools produce a large number of new artists each year. But what kinds of connections might one discover today between this center of traditional Japanese culture and the world of contemporary art that has grown ever more complex in this way? “Global Art Talk,” presented by HAPS and Kyoto University of the Arts, is a program where internationally active artists, curators, collectors, researchers, and gallerists, among others, are invited, and, through a series of dialogues, strives to provide a global perspective as well as deepen understanding.
The “GLOBAL ART TALK” is part of the Curatorial Research Program of the HAPS, which seeks to provide support to young emerging artists.
The Kyoto University of the Arts is dedicated to establishing an institution that will foster artists from Kyoto who aim to work in the contemporary art world at a global level.


《白い道》The White Road, 2019, Reborn Art Festival, Ishinomaki 2019