Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
橋本 哲史展 欧誌倭人伝
Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
イセ川ヤスタカ 展
Gallary Sanjyo Gion
Hours: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday,Tuesday
室田光祐 写真展 『消えてい生く』
Hours: 14:00 ~ 20:00/Weekday 13:00 ~ 20:00/Weekend, national holiday
(last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Wednesday
YKBK「 -timeless- "you were talking about the end of the world"」
Gallery PARC
Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Monday
MoMAK Films 2013
The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Hours: 9:30 ~ 17:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday・
Weekend, national holiday(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
9:30 ~ 20:00/Friday (entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Open: if the Monday is a national holiday)
Kyoto National Museum
Hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday and Weekend
9:30 ~ 20:00/Friday(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday(Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
The Museum of Kyoto
Hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday and Weekend
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
10:00 ~ 19:30/Friday
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday(Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
京都市立芸術大学芸術資料館収蔵品展 ARTであしあと4-染織卒業・修了作品 綵飾絢美
@KCUA Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery
Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00(entry up to 15 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)