Sakaimachi Garow
Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00
Closed: Monday
近衞家 王朝のみやび 陽明文庫の名宝11 近衞家とまつり
The Museum of Kyoto
Hours: 10:00~18:00 (open until 19:30 on Friday)(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
池 大雅
The Museum of Kyoto
Hours: 10:00~18:00 (open until 19:30 on Friday)(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
KISHIN HIMORI 写真展「面をかすめる、声がきこえる。」
Kyoto Museum of Photography Gallery Japanesque
Closed:Open daily
原崇浩の世界 新作~1999
Zokyudo Gallery Kyoto
Hours: 10:30 ~ 18:30
Closed: –
芸術館秋季特別展 山本太郎ウルトラキュレーション企画 推し世絵 〜ニッポン画×浮世絵プロジェクト〜
Kyoto University of Arts and Design
Hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00
Closed: Sunday
Co-program2021 カテゴリーA はなもとゆか×マツキモエ『DAISY』
Venue :Kyoto Art Center
Hours :10:00~20:00
定家亜由子展 花うたう 関雪のまんだらのまんなかで
Hakusa-sonso Hashimoto Kansetsu Correction Museum
Keibunsha Ichijoji store
Closed:Open daily (excluding Obon and New Year holidays)
Trance pop Gallery
Hours: Wed – Sun 12:00 – 18:00
Closed: Monday , Tuesday