Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
恂三一座リターンズ!-渡辺恂三先生への感謝のオマージュ 展
Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
勝山 正則・春枝 二人 展
Gallery Hill Gate
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: Monday
鄭 炳蜜 漆芸展・第9回 鄭 復相 木漆造形展
Dohjidai Gallery of Art
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00(last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Monday
グループ写真展 X 接点 第10回目「柔」
Dohjidai Gallery of Art
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00(last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Monday
Dohjidai Gallery of Art
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00(last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Monday
Dohjidai Gallery of Art
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00(last day closing at 18:00)
Closed: Monday
@KCUA Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery
Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00(entry up to 15 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
矢野洋輔個展 「壁に貼る幽霊」
gallery morning kyoto
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00/Tuesday ~ Saturday
12:00 ~ 17:00/Sunday
Closed: Monday
谷中佑輔「Have a Good Appetite」
Kodama Gallery Kyoto
Hours: 11:00 ~ 19:00
Closed: Sunday, Monday and national holiday