The Museum of Kyoto
10:00 ~ 19:30
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday(Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
奥田さちよ ホタ ふたり展
ubeful gallery
Hours: 13:00 ~ 19:00
Closed: –
徳川家康没後400年記念 大 関ヶ原展
The Museum of Kyoto
10:00 ~ 19:30
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday(Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
ルーヴル美術館展 日常を描く―風俗画にみるヨーロッパ絵画の真髄
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
Hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday
(Open: if the Monday is a national holiday)
特集陳列 日本の仮面 人と神仏、鬼の多彩な表情
Kyoto National Museum
Hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday and Weekend
9:30 ~ 20:00/Friday(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday(Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)
京都精華大学 公開連続レクチャー「アートはどこに行くのか?:アートと社会の未来を考える」
Kyoto Seika University
Hours: 16:30 ~ 18:00
Closed: –
マンガと戦争展 6つの視点と3人の原画から
Kyoto International Manga Museum
Hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Wednesdays
京都工芸繊維大学美術工芸資料館・京都市立芸術大学芸術資料館合同展 “倣う”から“創る”へ
Kyoto Institute of Technology Museum and Archives
Hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Sunday and National Holiday
描かれた日本のこころ 近代日本画 富士山名品展
Museum “Eki” KYOTO
Hours: 10:00 ~ 20:00 (entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
(last day closing at 17:00)
Closed: –
Kahitsukan Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art
Hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Open: if the Monday is a national holiday)