YAMAMOTO Maiko “A song of spring”Apr 17, 2018 (tue) – Apr 29, 2018 (sun)
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00/Tuesday ~ Saturday
12:00 ~ 17:00/Sunday
Closed: Monday
Admission: free
Artist:YAMAMOTO Maiko
gallery morning kyotohttp://gallerymorningkyoto.com/
Access: 207 Nakanocho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0034 Japan
Tel: 075-771-1213
Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00/Tuesday ~ Saturday
12:00 ~ 17:00/Sunday
Closed: Monday
7 years have passedI feel a light of hope and retrace a tiny life of flower that I could not save
Even the spring could not make my heart warm. My mind casted back on that time when looking upon flowers trembling in the breeze
I kept thinking the same thing over and over until time has begun to move again
A fruit on the twig dropped a seed and someday it will sprout gently from the ground
I am taking a walk
And look up to the sky
Feeling the wind
My feet catch the sand in the ground and it takes my breath away
“It will be given to you again”
Those words are always with me
Finally I meet you
Finally I feel something melt in my heart
Finally I smile with true joy
My spring has just come
1984 Born in Shiga, Japan
2008 Graduated from Kyoto university of Art &Design, Majored in Oil Painting
2010 Completed Post graduate Course in oil painting at Kyoto university of
Art & Design,
Solo Exhibitions
2011 Select of new artist LESPOIR’2011
“Maiko Yamamoto”,Ginza Surugadai Garow, Tokyo
2011-2016 “Follow a small light”, “One of the story”, “The song of forest” ,
“Always Foever”,”Locus”,”Beginning of the forest”,gallery morning, Kyoto
“A small garden forest”,English Garden,Gallery O,Shiga
Selected Group Exhibitions & Awards
2007 Shiga prefecture Art Exhibition, Received the special award of JIJITSUSHINSYA,
Shiga prefectural Museum of Art(08 the Award of Shiga Art Association,11 the
special award of Superintendent of schools)
2010 “MICHIMICHIRU ”, gallery RAKU, gallery16,Kyoto
2011 ORA vol.3-”Just painting”, court gallery KUNITACHI, Tokyo
2012 Mayu Sanagi × Maiko Yamamoto gallery16, Kyoto
2013 Gallery select exhibition ”MOENOKAI”, Ginza Surugadai Garrow, Tokyo
Exhibition of Shiga Art association, Otsu city History Museum, Shiga
2014 Exhibition of Shiga Art association, Shiga prefectural Museum of Art, Shiga
2015 Gallery select exhibition “MOENOKAI”,Ginza Surugadai Garrow,Tokyo
“KYOTEN”,Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art,Kyoto
Gallery select exhibition ”MOENOKAI”, Ginza Surugadai Garrow, Tokyo
Drawing of Lake competition, Shiga prefectural Museum of Art, Shiga(‘15’16)
2016 Yuhei Nakayama×Maiko Yamamoto gallery create RAKU,Kyoto
2017 Gallery select exhibition ”MOENOKAI”, Ginza Surugadai Garrow, Tokyo
“KYOTEN”,Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art,Kyoto