• Friday March 23rd, 2018


!8 to !!16[exclamation-8 to exclamation-16 ]
Mar 24, 2018(sat) – Mar 25, 2018(sun)
Mar 24 (sat) 13:30〜 A/ 15:00〜 B/ 16:30〜 C/ 18:00〜 D
Mar 25 (sun) 13:30〜 D/ 15:00〜 C/ 16:30〜 B/ 18:00〜 A
D:Masterpiece selection of works screened in the past
1 program 1,000 yen
2 Program 1,700 yen
all Program 3,000 yen
1 program 500 yen
2 Program 900 yen
all Program 1,500 yen
Each time exchange


Lumen gallery
Access: Yuurin Bunka Kaikan 2F, 543 Shimourokogata-cho, Shimogyo-ku,
Kyoto 600-8059
Closed: Inquire


8mm・16mm film screening event
“! 8 to !!16[exclamation-8 to exclamation-16 ]” is a film screening event of new works by cinematographer who love and keep working on film stock, finding virginal beauty in wriggling particle, sometimes even in scars and scratches on the films.
These genreless short works tell you “It’s too early to miss picture film!”. 8 and16mm films are ongoing in 2018–watching the works will be “ ! ” experience for you!
“! 8 exclamation-8 ” is a 8mm film screening project that has stared around 2009. A group named “Spice films”, which coordinate from productions to releases of young cinematographer, has been launched to activate 8mm film screening events. Since then, the group is actively working on organizing screenings, development workshops and other events. Environment of 8mm film production is getting more and more severe in recent five years– Single 8 of FUJIFILM and color reversal film of Kodak Super 8 have been discontinued, prices for developer and films are raised. Still, there are many people who are interested in, and dare to make motion pictures with film stocks. This event introduces new works produced during 2017-2018.
–Ryo Ishikawa, “!8” program curator
Combining with the “!8” program, “!!16 exclamation-16” will be screened this time. Width of the film is doubled so the number of the “!” also doubled. In this 16 mm program, all the works are limited to product within “100ft”. 100ft means one spool, that is 2 and a half minutes image. Such a limitation might strongly highlight characters of each worker and reflect possibilities of film stocks more visibly. From a work of undergraduate who touched Bolex camera for the first time to long-awaited cinematographer’s new release, our password is “16mm to 100ft”. This is a short but dense screening program.
–Sayaka Hayami, “!!16” curator