• Thursday April 12th, 2018


Apr 14, 2018(sat) – May 13, 2018(sun)
Adults ¥4000
Students (University, High school, Vocational students) ¥3000
※ It is available to enter once at every exhibition sites except Associated programs.
*Group discount is available for a group of more than 10 people: ¥3500
【1DAY Passport】
Adults ¥3000
Students (University, High school, Vocational students) ¥2000
※ It is available in 1 DAY to enter once at every exhibition sites except Associated programs.
*Group discount is available for a group of more than 10 people: ¥2500


Check more details following link at:


Our theme for 2018 is “UP.” In today’s world it is easy to feel burdened, pulled down by the issues we face personally and as a global community.
In 2018, KYOTOGRAPHIE invites you to look around, to look inside, in order to better look UP and trigger new personal and collective impetus towards ourselves and each other, to change our world through awareness, action and creation. Our hope is that visitors encounter UP in the various forms presented in KYOTOGRAPHIE 2018 and engage with these diverse values, in turn changing mindsets and going UP in our own way!
Lucille Reyboz & Yusuke Nakanishi,
Co-founders and Directors of KYOTOGRAPHIE