KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2016 SPRINGMar 5, 2016(sat) – Mar 27, 2016(sun)
David Wampach (dance) Chiten (theater) Choy Ka Fai (dance) Yukichi Matsumoto + Shinichiro Hayashi (theater) Yukichi Matsumoto & Shinichiro Hayashi (theater)
Dairakudakan (dance) chelfitsch (theater) Trisha Brown Dance Company (dance) Manuela Infante / Teatro de Chile (theater)
Tomomi Adachi + contact Gonzo (music, performance) Boris Charmatz / Musée de la danse (dance) researchlight (research project)
KYOTO ART CENTERhttp://www.kac.or.jp/
Access: 546-2 Yamafushiyama-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8156, Japan
Tel: 075-213-1000
Hours: 10:00 ~ 20:00
Uryuyama campus Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza
Access: 2-116 Uryuyama Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8271, Japan
Tel: 075-791-9122
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:00
Closed: Sunday
The National Museum of Modern Art , Kyoto
Access: Okazaki Enshoji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8344,Japan
Tel: 075-761-4111
9:30 ~ 17:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday・Weekend, national holiday(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
9:30 ~ 20:00/Friday(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday
ROHM Theatre Kyoto
Access: 13 Okazakisaishoji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City 606-8342 Japan
Hours: –
Closed: –
ROHM Theatre Kyoto
Access: 509-1 karasumadori-ichijyo-sagaru, kamigyo-ku, Kyoto Japan
Hours: –
Closed: –
The international performing arts festival Kyoto Experiment transmits culture from Kyoto out across the world. Now with a new venue in the form of ROHM Theatre Kyoto, the sixth festival includes leading new artists destined for the theater history books of the future and continues to be inspired by an unflagging experimental spirit. In the as-yet unseen expression, bold experiments, and critically rich schemes, all brought to us by the artists’ talent, there resides the excitement of encounters with the unknown.This year, the number of works featured in related programs, such as the Fringe: Open Entry performance and the outside curators’ Showcase: Forecast, is the highest ever. We hope audiences will enjoy the 11 experimental works in the main program and the many other surrounding events and programs, which all seek to smash through the everyday.
Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival Executive Committee