Meirin Hour #01Feb 6, 2016 (sat) 16:00-18:00
Admission: free
Guest: Kiyokazu Washida (philosopher, president of Kyoto City University of Arts)
Host: Akira Tatehata (poet, art critic, director general of Kyoto Art Center)
KYOTO ART CENTERhttp://www.kac.or.jp/
Access: 546-2 Yamafushiyama-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8156, Japan
Tel: 075-213-1000
Hours: 10:00 ~ 20:00
KAC’s director general invites Kiyokazu Washida to kick off a new talk program.To celebrate the 15th anniversary of KAC and as a part of KAC Art Festival Variety Box, we kick off our new talk program “Meirin Hour”. KAC’s director general Akira Tatehata will host a talk with Kiyokazu Washida, philosopher and president of the Kyoto City University of Arts, to talk about various topics. The audience will enjoy their discussion in an friendly atmosphere with a drink.