Stolen NamesDecember 19, 2014 (fri) – December 27, 2014 (sat)
Admission: Free
Project Member: Non-disclosure Information
KYOTO ART CENTERhttp://www.kac.or.jp/
Access: 546-2 Yamafushiyama-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8156, Japan
Tel: 075-213-1000
Hours: 10:00 ~ 20:00
Closed: –
Suppose we stand in front of artworks, we usually find names or captions for them. Since when have we started to search for those clues to understand artworks? What would happen if we steal all such names or captions and hide such information from visitors?
In this exhibition ‘Stolen Names’, almost all of the informations ( or clues ) are stolen. So here the artworks stay only as just artworks without the artists’ names, captions or titles to explain them. We will display those works simply as objects not knowing even the creators’ names. So they might look like the entrance of ant nest, where we see a lot of small independent holes on the surface. But in the depth the holes must be connected and tangled in somewhat complicated ways. Each nameless artwork must be connected and twisted in the hidden place in the long span of time.
When the names of artworks are stolen, do we stand in front of them restlessly, or do we try to restore the stolen names? If not, can we find some completely new names for them?
I wonder what is it to appreciate a work of art. When we have no clues no hints to understand them, we had better not search for answers but try to find a new possibility and newer questions. It is because the names are already stolen by somebody.
What is aaccrroobbaatt?
“aaccrroobbaatt” has began from September 2013 is a collaborative platform for dealing seriously with the predictive something in the society and experiment with a new way of preparation against the future that’s hard to imagine.That’s different from painting a future as someone would like it to be but rather a kind of platform in order to create a first step to resist a black future. And further, it’s to see the end of mankind and a catastrophic future that’s often depicted on movies or novels as real possibilities. Or, it’s not to laugh scornfully the power of prayer in accomplishment.