• Tuesday April 24th, 2018


Apr 24, 2018 (tue) – May 6, 2018(Sun)
Admission: free


Jarfo Art Gallery Kyoto
Access: 1F, Kawaramachi Tokyu Bldg., Kajii-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0841 Japan
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:00 (last day closing at 17:00)


The artistic expression named “Shunga”, which is said to have influenced Picasso and Rodin, handed down by Ukiyoe painters such as Hokusai and Utamaro mainly in the Edo era, as a result of the spring painting exhibition at the British Museum in 2012 is rising.
As everybody know considering the art history, the customs history and the literature history, the appreciation of “Shunga” is like a new discovery.
But why are these “Shunga” was not considered as the modern pornography, but the art in every respect?
Is it because it is a work rendered harmless in the past history that we can enjoy and appreciating “Shunga” in modern times?
If there is a “Shunga” in the present age, what kind of expressions and methods will it be?
At JARFO, we commissioned works to 17 artists from 30 to 80 who live in the present age and planned this project “Contemporary Shunga Exhibition” with the intention of thinking about the diffent way of sexual expressions in this age.
This exhibition is a revisitation of the role and characteristics of “Shunga” from the viewpoint of sex education, Shinto beliefs, masturbation and freedom of expressions.
Akira Ota, Arisuke Kishi, Eitaro Matsuo, Hiroki Mori, Hiroshi Asatani, Iwao Yamagen, Mario Manfredini, Roku Hashimoto, Ryota Cho, Sarin Inoue, Shu Konishi, Sota Hiraga, Sota Koike, Takayuki Kamata, Yoshihito Noto