• Friday March 23rd, 2018


Takafumi Kojo“Tsunagu Oto Tsumugu Hito”
Mar 20, 2018 (tue) – Mar 25, 2018 (sun)
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:30
Admission: free


PHOTO GALLERY ARTisan Japanesque 2F“Hana”
Access: 374-2, Horiikecho, Higashiyama-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 605-0038, Japan
Tel: 080 ( 5988 ) 7720
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:30


Takafumi Kojo photo exhibition of “Tsunaguoto Tsumuguhito” is held at Kyoto Museum of Photography Gallery Japanesque 2F“Hana” From Tue., Mar 20 to Sun., Mar 25 2018.
Since 1996 to 2008, I covered overseas Professional Major Sports. Emotional sports scenes are very dramatic for me, so I was fascinated by the attractiveness of sports. But one day, I realized I had not known anything about my country’s history and culture.
In 2008, I met “Ichihime-Gagaku-Kai”, which is a Gagaku orchestra in Kyoto, Japan. I was attracted by the sounds and performances they played. Almost Japanese citizens are limited with the opportunities to see and like Gagaku actually. So after a while, I began to visit Kyoto to take photographs of them.
It is very difficult to protect and convey history and culture. Compared with the history of a thousand years, the time I watched was very short. However, I would be happy if their activities were widely passed down by recording in the photographs.
Thank you for coming to this exhibition. Please enjoy your stay in Japan.
【Artist Profile】

Takafumi Kojo
Born in 1962, Tokyo Japan
1985 Start a career as a professional photographer
1996 Start MLB shooting for Japanese newspaper and magazine
2008 Start Gagaku concert shooting
2012 Worked as a Japanese camera magazine editor
Member of Japan Professional Photographer’s Society(JPS)
The Society of Photo and Imaging of Japan(SPIJ)
Association Japonaise de la Presse Sportive(AJPS)
Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive(AIPS)