Correlación Contemporáneaレジデンスプログラム Amazonica(ペルー)

【Application Overview】 The residency program Amazonica welcomes national and international visual artists, multidisciplinary & interdisciplinary artists, curators, and other disciplines, for four weeks to develop projects related to the Amazonian culture. Amazónica program provides residents with an experiential of the socio-cultural context of the Peruvian Amazon, promoting critical research through traditional and contemporary artistic practices […]


Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year. We will close our office/studio/HAPS HOUSE from 12/28(Wed) to 1/5(Thu). With much appreciation during the past year, we wish for great prosperity in the coming year for you all.

GA TALK 038「MAKE, DO, WITH」by エリック・ボードレール(アーティスト・映画監督)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 038 “MAKE, DO, WITH” by Éric Baudelaire(Artist, Filmmaker) Éric Baudelaire’s films are partly made with the people whose experiences they explore — revolutionary filmmakers and activists, teenagers, secessionists, and terrorists, all of whom have defied state institutions that assert the right to define reality. Their lives, their ethical choices, and their relationship […]

GA TALK 037「スペース、ストーリー、シチュエーション」by ライアン・タベット(アーティスト)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 037 “Space, Story, Situation” by Rayyane Tabet(Artist) “On the morning of Friday September 1st, 2006, I went to buy a cup of coffee from a shop on Third Avenue and 7th Street in Manhattan. As I was waiting for it, I noticed that someone had left their copy of The New York […]

SICF24(第24回 スパイラル・インディペンデント・クリエイターズ・フェスティバル)

【Application Overview】 Launched in 2000, Spiral Independent Creators Festival (SICF) is an open-call art festival that aspires to discover, foster, and support emerging artists and designers. Organized by Spiral, an arts complex in Tokyo’s Aoyama, SICF brings together creative talents across different fields and disciplines to present their work. The festival attracts a wide variety […]