FILE 2020 参加作家公募(サンパウロ/ブラジル)

【Application Overview】 Since 2000 FILE is a non-profit cultural organization that has been promoting exhibitions, workshops and gatherings that seek to investigate the appropriations of the technologic media in artistic accomplishments. With annual exhibitions in São, in addition to participations in national and international events, FILE is the biggest electronic art event in Latin America. […]

第12回 国際陶磁器展 美濃 公募

【Application Overview】 This is an international competition which aims to promote the further development of ceramic industry and culture through international exchanges of ceramic designs and culture. Outstanding works that suggest innovative ideas and explore the future of ceramics coming from all over Japan and the world will be displayed all together. 【category】 “Where Ceramics […]

Arteles レジデンスプログラム「Back to Basics」公募(ハメーンキュロ/フィンランド)

【Application Overview】 Back to Basics residency program gives artists the opportunity to clear their mind, get back to focus and (re)discover the very basis of their being. Take a break from your smartphone, reconnect with your creativity, be part of nature and learn to stay present again, doing only things you really want to be […]

六本木アートナイト2020 オープンコール・プロジェクト

【Application Overview】 There are no conditions on type of project (for example, installation, video, music, performance, etc.). Applicants are free to plan their project in any way they choose to be presented on the streets of Roppongi during Roppongi Art Night 2020. 【Application Conditions】 Applications are accepted for projects that fit into the following conditions […]


Date:2019.11.23(sat)〜24(sun) Hours:23/11:00-21:00 24/11:00-19:00 Venue:KYOTO OKAZAKI TSUTAYA BOOKS 1F(13 Okazakisaishoji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City 606-8342 Japan) Organizer:OBJECT Committee Special Cooperation:Startbahn, Inc. Cooperation:VOU、Yamanaka suplex、TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY、MORI YU GALLERY、LEE SAYA、FINCH ARTS、OKADA Shinpei、HAPS OBJECT Committee PR:SAKURAOKA Satoshi TEL:080-1351-9467

GA TALK 020「新しい生活、沈黙とハワイについて」by 田中功起(アーティスト)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 020 “About a New life, a Silence and Hawaii” by Koki Tanaka (Artist) It has been difficult for me to figure out whom to talk to or what to talk about after all those controversial situations during the Aichi Triennale 2019. Whatever seen or heard, there were people’s hatred, xenophobia, historical denial […]