2021年参加アーティスト募集 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス「SAIKONEON」山梨、ギャラリー展示あり(東京)

【Application Overview】 Artist-in-residence SAIKO NEON was established in April 2019, aiming to provide a space for research, creation and exchange of knowledge for various artists and designers of various boundaries. SAIKO NEON is located less than two hours away from Tokyo under the magnificent natural environment of Mount Fuji, with a facility on the shores […]

新潟市芸術創造村・国際青少年センター(愛称 ゆいぽーと) アーティスト・イン・レジデンス事業 「招聘プログラム2020秋季」

【Application Overview】 Invitation Program 2020 Spring is an Artist-in-Residence project program that invites artists selected by open call and supports long-term stay within 90 days. 【Duration of Stay】Within 90 days from September 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 【deadline】February 29, 2020 【web】https://www.yui-port.com/en/

新潟市芸術創造村・国際青少年センター(愛称 ゆいぽーと) アーティスト・イン・レジデンス事業 「自主活動プログラム2020夏季」

【Application Overview】 Autonomous Activity Program is an Artist-in-Residence project program that invites artists selected by open call and supports short-term stay within 30 days. 【Duration of Stay】Within 30 days between July 5, 2020 to August 27, 2020 【deadline】February 29, 2020 【web】https://www.yui-port.com/en/

Gruppo Jobelレジデンスプログラム公募(ラツィオ/イタリア)

【Application Overview】 Call 2020 for the assignment of 4 residences aimed at artists, actors, dancers, performers, professional teams, singers, musicians etc.. The idea of ​​the artistic residence project Jobel is mainly to give artists and / or professional teams the opportunity through economic support and artistic / organizational / technical tutoring in order to encourage […]

De Appelキュレトリアルプログラム公募2020-21(アムステルダム/オランダ)

【Application Overview】 De Appel invites local and international curators, artists and cultural practitioners to apply to its ten-month long, full- time educational platform in Amsterdam. With Monika Szewczyk’s leadership, De Appel redoubles its investment in the Curatorial Programme, understanding the unique values of this 25-year strong endeavour. 【deadline】Friday January 31, 2020 【web】http://deappel.nl/en/curatorial-programme#application-procedure


【Application Overview】 Since its opening in 2001, the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC) has continued to focus its activities on an Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program while interweaving ample opportunities for exchange, which include exhibitions, workshops, and talks between artists, students, and the local community. The ACAC has a unique exhibition gallery space, and until now, it […]

公益財団法人 アイスタイル芸術スポーツ振興財団 現代芸術振興助成

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語. 【内容】 この法人が現代アートの制作・展示活動に対して助成することを目的として制定した「芸術スポーツ振興助成制度」に基づき、当該活動を奨励することによって、芸術の振興に寄与しようとするものです。助成金額は1件あたり100万円まで。 【対象となる活動】現代アート作品の創作、現代アート展覧会の開催 など 【応募締切】2020年1月31日(金) 【WEB】https://istyle-found.org/support/art2020/