Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS)国内クリエーター制作交流プログラム2024
【Program Theme】 “Beyond Divisions” 【Application Overview】 “Local Creator Residency Program” aims to invite distinguished and highly motivated Japan-based creators in the field of visual art, film, design, architecture, and to give opportunities to work in Tokyo. For the period from May to July 2024, two Japan-based creators who would engage in creative activities based on […]

Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS)海外クリエーター招聘プログラム2024
【Application Overview】 “International Creator Residency Program” aims to invite distinguished and highly motivated international creators in the field of visual art, film, design, architecture, and to give opportunities to work in Tokyo. The open-call program “International Creator Residency Program (Theme Projects)” for the period from May to July 2024, invites two international creators who would […]

Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS)リサーチ・レジデンス・プログラム2024
【Application Overview】 “Research Residency Program” gives opportunities to conduct research on arts and culture in the city of Tokyo, targeting both international and local creators in the field of visual art, film, design, architecture, music, sound art, performing art and curation. Residency Period: 6 to 12 weeks within either of the following residency periods ① […]

Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS)キュレーター招聘プログラム2024
【Application Overview】 Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS), operated by a division of The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, offers artist-in-residence programs for international creators working in various creative fields to stay, engage in creation, and conduct research activities in Tokyo. The open-call program “Curator Residency Program” aims to invite distinguished and highly motivated curators in […]

学生対象アートコンペ CAF賞 2023
【Application Overview】 The “CAF Award” is an art award for works by students of high schools, universities, graduate schools, and vocational schools all over Japan, as well as students of Japanese nationality who are enrolled in overseas educational institutions. It is held for the purpose of supporting the creative activities of students and promoting Japanese […]

北アルプス国際芸術祭 2024 企画公募
【Application Overview】 Omachi city is located in the northwest part of Nagano prefecture. It’s surrounded by 3,000m high mountaious of the Northern Japanese Alps. It’s blesses with abundant clear steams of melted snow and fresh air. A long time ago, it was famaous as a posting station on the salt road, Chikuni. There is a […]

GA TALK 040「美術館の生態系―『中国現代美術館のいま』より」by 金澤韻(キュレーター)
GLOBAL ART TALK 040 “Art Museum Ecosystems – From the series Contemporary Art Museums in China” by Kodama Kanazawa (curator) When visiting art museums in foreign countries, one may be puzzled by the difference in appearance from what one is used to. In “Contemporary Art Museums in China Today,” Kodama Kanazawa profiled Shanghai’s art museums […]