The Banffセンター テーマレジデンス「プラスチック」(アルバータ/カナダ)

【Application Overview】 Plastic is everywhere, and is increasingly an object of environmental concern. However, it also provides the basis of our contemporary infrastructures including buildings, clothing, and communications networks. Despite the necessary campaigns for the elimination of single-use plastics, it is a material that cannot be easily dismissed. Plastic is one of the most intimate […]

The Banff Artist in Residence (BAiR) 夏季レジデンス募集(アルバータ/カナダ)

【Application Overview】 The Banff Artist in Residence (BAiR) program is designed for visual artists to focus on their own practice in a supportive learning environment. Participants are encouraged to explore new ideas, create, self-direct their research and time, and cultivate new directions in their work — all while surrounded by a community of peers within […]

apexart 展覧会公募

【Application Overview】 apexart’s Open Calls present an opportunity for artists, curators, and other professionals to turn their idea into an apexart Exhibition. Open Call periods happen twice annually: in October, we invite proposals for our NYC space, and in February, we invite proposals for anywhere in the world, except for NYC. Winning proposals become part […]


【Program Theme】 Creating “Global Kamiyama” is the main purpose behind the KAIR Project. Our hope is that the artists will produce works full of originality, influenced by the experience of spending time amidst the timeless nature of Kamiyama, deep in the Japanese countryside, and inspiration from interacting with the friendly local people. Through the works […]

TongLau Spaceレジデンス公募(香港)

【Application Overview】 The program include artist talks, studio discussion – in groups and one to one – social events and professional development. Central to the program is a focus on working as an artist in Hong Kong, a city which offers opportunities to investigate multidisciplinary practice and to visit public arts institutions, commercial galleries and […]

第13回 ART IN THE OFFICE 2020 平面作品案募集!

【Application Overview】 ART IN THE OFFICE is a program to support up-and-coming contemporary artists by creating opportunities to display their work. With a desire to advance contemporary art’s pursuit of new forms of expression and focus on various societal issues, through this program, Monex invites the winning artist for a certain period of time to […]

【協力展覧会】片山逹貴 | チン ユウジュウ | 成田舞 | 堀井ヒロツグ『境界線を遡行する』

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語. HAPSスタジオ使用アーティストの成田舞、堀井ヒロツグ(Homesick Studio)が参加する展覧会のお知らせです。 境界線を遡行する 日程:2020年2月8日(土)〜3月1日(日) 時間:13:00-19:00 会場:VOU/棒 1Fメインギャラリー(京都市下京区筋屋町137 棒ビル) 定休日:水・木曜日 TEL:075-744-6942 この度、片山逹貴、チン ユウジュウ、成田舞、堀井ヒロツグの四人の作家による展覧会『境界線を遡行する』を開催します。 内と外、自己と他者、個人と社会、両者を隔てるように存在する「境界線」とは、どこに、どのように存在しているのだろう?そしてその境界線は、私たち自身をどのように形づくっているのだろうか? 本展に出品される四人の作家の作品群は、彼らが、自身と他者との境界線を見つめなおし、あたかもその境界線を遡行するかのように思考し、制作することによって生み出されました。 本展は、私たち自身を形づくる「境界線」を遡り、それによって変容する眼差しを交換する試みです。