Art Jameel Commissions: Digital 公募

【Application Overview】 Art Jameel has a longstanding interest in commissioning artists to make new works, often for the public realm, as well as in media or situations that further their ongoing artistic practice. In 2017, Art Jameel launched a commissioning programme anchored at Jameel Arts Centre in Dubai, UAE. The programme was planned to run […]

Frame Contemporary Art Finland キュレーターリサーチフェローシップ(ヘルシンキ/フィンランド)

【Application Overview】 The Frame Curatorial Research Fellowship by Frame Contemporary Art Finland is a new curatorial research programme for 2020-2023 organised in close collaboration with four international institutional partners. The first two for 2020-2021 are Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons and EVA International (Ireland’s Biennial of Contemporary Art). The programme offers support to […]

RUPERT レジデンス公募2021(ビルニュス/リトアニア)

【Application Overview】 Rupert’s residency programme is dedicated to local and international practitioners and thinkers (such as artists, writers, curators, researchers, cultural managers and academics), providing them with the opportunity to live and work in Vilnius from 1 to 3 months while developing individual projects and immersing themselves in the region’s contemporary art field. During the […]

Can Serrat International Art Residency(バルセロナ/スペイン)

【Application Overview】 Can Serrat is a live/work space that supports writers and artistic production. We offer individual support and resources to each resident as need be. Nos llamamos así open call invites all themes and topics and is the second edition of collective narrative projects in residency. The jury will select participants according to the […]

The Farm Margaret River レジデンスアーティスト募集(マーガレットリバー/オーストラリア)

【Application Overview】 The Farm Margaret River is located in the south-west of Western Australia, a region of ancient soils and flora, bounded by the Indian Ocean. The Margaret River region is an international destination for those interested in the arts, wine growing, surfing and its natural beauty. In the age of the Anthropocene, our relationship […]

La Wayaka Current DESERT 23°S(アタカマ/チリ)

【Application Overview】 Desert 23°S (Atacama, Chile) presents a rare opportunity to research and develop new artistic & creative practices in one of the driest environments on our planet within an indigenous community inside a national nature reserve of diverse flora and fauna. We cultivate spaces that nourish and encourage space for personal and professional growth, […]

「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2021」公募

【Application Overview】 Artworks or performance to be presented during Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2021 (ETAT2021) highlighting the unique history and culture of Echigo-Tsumari region as well as featuring distinctive nature and abundant nature that has the power to inspire or raise awareness of Echigo-Tsumari internationally.Conditions on site/environment:In principle, the site at which the proposed project is […]