【協力展覧会】影を刺す光-三嶽伊紗+守屋友樹 展

Kyoto Art Center celebrates its 20 years anniversary with the theme “WE AGE”. The exhibition “Lights go beyond” is a duo exhibition by Mitake Isa and Moriya Yuki. Date:October 10, 2020 [Sat.] - November 29, 2020 [Sun.] Hours:10:00 – 20:00 Closed on November 16, 2020 Venue:Kyoto Art Center North and South Galleries Admission:free Support:Gallery Yamaguchi […]

【協力展覧会】山下拓也/前谷開 山下拓也個展 「Manta ray」/前谷開個展 「夜は昼、昼は夜を」

Takuya Yamashita / Kai Maetani Takuya Yamashita “Manta ray” / Kai Maetani “Night Think of Day, Day Think of Night” date:2020.09.18 – 2020.10.04 admission:¥400(with tea) opening hours:12:00-21:00 place:Art Center Ongoing(1-8-7 Kichijoji Higashi-cho, Musashino-city, Tokyo, Japan 180-0002) closed:Mondays, Tuesdays http://www.ongoing.jp/en/artcenter/gallery/index.php?itemid=827 All the talk events will be broadcasted on YouTube Channel of Art Center Ongoing as part […]

GA TALK 022「新しい日常に順応することへの拒絶」by ジュン・ヤン〈楊俊〉(アーティスト)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 022 “Refusing to get used to the new normal.” by Jun Yang 〈楊俊〉(Artist) When asked to do the Global Art Talk I had a few presentations in mind that I had written before and thought would make sense for such a presentation. One sounded very optimistic – like me believing in art […]

ゆいぽーと 自主活動プログラム 2021冬季 参加アーティスト募集

【Application Overview】 YUI – PORT’s Artist-in-Residence project “Autonomous Activity Program 2021 Winter” has started. Autonomous Activity Program is an Artist-in-Residence project program that invites artists selected by open call and supports short-term stay within 30 days. 【Number of Applicant Invited】Two people (or groups) 【Qualifications】 ・Currently active artist (genre does not matter). ・Participate in the citizen exchange […]