GA TALK 025「超個体」by 米谷健+ジュリア(現代美術家)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 025 “Superorganism” by Ken + Julia Yonetani (Contemporary Artists) Ken + Julia Yonetani have utilized many diverse materials including clay, sugar, salt, uranium glass, and money, giving form to economic issues and environmental devastation in their works. A lot of their work, they confess, has arisen out of their own anxieties: catastrophe […]

GA TALK 024「状況・条件・環境に応答しつづける」by服部浩之(キュレーター/秋田公立美術大学大学院准教授/京都芸術大学客員教授)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 024 “Continuing to Respond to Circumstances, Conditions, and Environments” by Hioyuki Hattori (Curator/Associate professor, Akita University of Art/Affiliate Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts) For Global Art Talk 024, we invite curator Hiroyuki Hattori to talk about the behind the scene happenings of the exhibitions and art projects he has been involved […]