川村文化芸術振興財団 2023年度 ソーシャリー・エンゲイジド・アート支援助成

【Application Overview】 OCIALLY ENGAGED ART SUPPORT GRANT will support Socially Engaged Art projects that will take place in Japan and commit to the community and society; implement activities together with communities and residents; and aim to build and demonstrate models of a better society. This would further enhance in-depth relationships between art culture and the […]

GA TALK 034「武力闘争の時代にアートを教えること」by サスキア・ボス (美術史家、キュレーター、批評家)開催のお知らせ

GLOBAL ART TALK 034 “Teaching Art in Times of Armed Conflict” by Saskia Bos (Art Historian, Curator, Critic) How can one teach art classes in a time where so many international conflicts are leading to war, economic hardship and migration? If we cannot ignore the reality around us, we can focus on what art critics […]

コクヨデザインアワード 2023

【Application Overview】 The KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD is an international product design competition that’s all about bringing together proposals for projects the future needs and giving them form. We received a total of 1,031 entries from 58 countries all around the world last year and are actively working on turning winning entries into commercial products. Some […]