【Application Overview】
Kyoto Art Center (KAC) aims to be not only a venue for exchange and mutual stimulus among artists, but also for citizens to experience the abundance of arts. This program supports creative activities of emerging artists and art researchers who aim to explore new artistic expression in their encounter of Japanese culture. Participants engage in production, research and study in KAC during the residency.
We switch between hosting visual artist and performing artist every year. In 2024, the program is open for visual artists and researchers. We welcome artists who explore the new form of expression in their own genre, or across genres. We are particularly interested in enthusiastic artists who stimulate the creativity of Kyoto citizens.

• Emerging artists and art researchers based on visual art who have clear motivation to work and research in Kyoto.
*Applications by writers and cross-media artists are welcome to apply every year.
• Applicants must:
– Organize a public program for Kyoto citizens during the residency. – Communicate in English or Japanese.

【deadline】July 31st [Mon] [JST 23:59] ,2023
