【Program Theme】
Artistic Expression, Exploration, and Action Changing Tokyo for the Better through Creativity and Technology

【Application Overview】
Art Incubation Program provides opportunities for creative talent to undertake new projects and makes those processes accessible to the public, facilitating forms of artistic expression, exploration, and action that change our city for the better.
Selected through an open call, five artist fellows will act as CCBT partners, developing their projects, making the creative process public, exhibiting the results, and holding workshops and talks.

Applications are accepted for project proposals that adhere to the mission of the program and relate to the following themes:

・New artistic expression responding to artificial intelligence and other forms of technology
・Projects and artistic expression that engage with aspects of Web3 creativity like NFTs and XR
・Music and performing arts aiming to build a new scene for the digital age
・Projects accessible to both able-bodied and disabled people
・Platforms that are socially engaged or participatory for members of the public, such as hackathons and workshops

【deadline】Sunday, June 4, 2023 *due NLT
