【Program Theme】 Future of Listening

【Application Overview】
The Asia Culture Center (ACC) is seeking participants for its 2023 ACC Residency. ACC is an international artistic creation and production center that explores the new contemporariness in Asia. Asian attitudes of engagement with real-world situations have been passed down as a spirit of artistic creation, as new technologies and artistic languages are being used today to suggest alternatives for our current reality and possibilities for future ways of life. Each year, the ACC Residency reviews the timeliest real-world issues to select a research topic. The reorganized 2023 residency program is also being carried out in conjunction with the ACC Sound Art Lab. The “Futures of Listening” intermediate- to long-term lab project is being presented as one of the residency’s creative support programs. The program is open to participants from every field of creative endeavor, including researchers, artists, creators, and technicians who are making their first attempts at soundscapes. After taking part in “Futures of Listening,” participants with creative approaches to thinking and open-minded attitudes can give expression to their new ideas and go through a process of experimentation, after which the content will be presented at a showcase event. The ACC Residency is looking to do more than simply providing a creative environment to support artists.

Technicians, researchers, artists in visual arts, designs, media art, interdisciplinary art, technology, humanities-related art, etc.
・Applicants of any nationality aged 19 or older as of the announcement date
・Must not have any prior ACC Residency experience (applies to all team members)
・Must be capable of communicating in Korean and/or English

【deadline】February 5, 2023 (no later than 6 pm KST)
