【Application Overview】
OCIALLY ENGAGED ART SUPPORT GRANT will support Socially Engaged Art projects that will take place in Japan and commit to the community and society; implement activities together with communities and residents; and aim to build and demonstrate models of a better society. This would further enhance in-depth relationships between art culture and the society and will contribute in cultivating higher cultural developments in Japan.

* About recruitment for the Fiscal Year 2023
In light of the current situation with the spread of the new coronavirus, the Foundation is also seeking project ideas for a “Socially Engaged Art Project in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” as in previous years. The selected grant recipients will be required to present a report on the completion of the implementation of the project or a prototype (preliminary workshop, prototype, lecture, video, etc.) in FY2023.

【REQUIREMENTS (project content)】
* Applications need to fulfill requirements below to be acknowledged legitimate:
– A socially-engaged art project that includes new suggestions for the community, social life, and social systems in the COVID-19 Pandemic (or “With/Post-COVID”).
– Projects applying strikingly new methods or ways of expression
– Socially Engaged Art projects that would be newly implemented in Japan
– Projects that would become a catalyst towards social changes
– Projects aiming to build and demonstrate models of a better society
– Projects with artists taking initiatives as its leader
– Dialogue based projects which focus on building continuous partner relationships with communities
– Projects which include a collaborative production process with participants

【deadline】October 9th, 2022 [Sun] *18:00 Japan Time
