Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year.
We will close our office/studio/HAPS HOUSE from 12/28(Tue) to 1/5(Tue).
With much appreciation during the past year, we wish for great prosperity in the coming year for you all.


[dropcap color=green][/dropcap] GA TALK 032 “Infrastructure and other Stories” by Heman Chong (Artist)
For the past 20 years, I have worked in a way that relies heavily on improvisation. There is never a masterplan when I think about an artwork. I am stumbling from one decision to the next. I enjoy not knowing where I will end up with the work. I am often as surprised as the audience is surprised at the outcome. There are four parts within this talk which will form a possible (but incomplete) blueprint of my art practice. They are, ‘How to Live?’, ‘Chance’, ‘Infrastructure’, and ‘Fictions’. These main motifs often interact with each other and it is through these interactions where many of my works are produced.
(Heman Chong)
Time/Date:2022.1.12 WED 18:30〜20:00
Admission:Free (Booking required)