“New Mutation #4 Aki KOJIMA, Muku KOBAYASHI”
The Exhibition by Aki KOJIMA, Muku KOBAYASHI
“New Mutation” is a project that focuses on young artists who have been active as artists for less than five years.

Exhibition by Aki Kojima, Muku Kobayashi who create systems that could have happened.
Kojima has been producing her works using various media under the theme of “anima” that means soul or living in Latin. In recent year, Kojima is creating a series works “Dinning”.
Kobayashi creates various devices which repetitive movements observing phenomena occurred by inserting physical devices into things and analogy.
Date / Term:June 26, 2021 [sat] – August 22 [sun] 10:00~20:00
Closed:August 14 [sat] – 16 [Mon] Venue:Kyoto Art Center(Yamabushiyama-cho 546-2, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8156)


Aki Kojima
Born in Osaka. Started her artistic career after working in the operating room and intensive care unit as a nurse.
2019 M.F.A. in Oil Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts.
Awards: the 23rd Taro Okamoto Contemporary Art Award Exhibition (2020), Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2020 Grand Prize(2020) , Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2019 Grand Prix(2019).
Muku Kobayashi
Born in Tokyo, 1992.
2017 M.F.A. Information Design, Tama Art University, and 2019 Sculpture, Kyoto City University of Arts.