【Application Overview】
Launched in 2000, Spiral Independent Creators Festival (SICF) is an open-call art festival that aspires to discover, foster, and support emerging artists and designers. Organized by Spiral, an arts complex in Tokyo’s Aoyama, SICF brings together creative talents across different fields and disciplines to present their work. The festival attracts a wide variety of visitors from the creative industries, including gallery owners, curators, collectors, buyers, and media professionals. Over the years, SICF has continued to expand as a platform for artistic activities, through encounters between new talents and visitors. At the end of the festival, a series of prizes is announced, including the Judges’ Awards, Semi-Grand Prize, and Grand Prize as well as the Audience Award, which is selected by visitors. The winners receive the opportunity to exhibit their work again at Spiral. In addition to the EXHIBITION section with individual booths filled with original creations, this year sees the launch of MARKET, a new section offering for sale a wide range of items from fields closely related to lifestyle and displayed on tables and walls.
Applications are now open for ambitious artists and designers whose work endeavors to transcend existing values.
【CALL FOR CREATORS】1 (Thu) April~ 9(Fri)July 2021 ※ The call will close at 8PM (JST)