
HAPS has been conducting a project to support emerging artists in Kyoto City.
This time, we will provide a former elementary school to use as a studio for artists who will be based in Kyoto.
The studio will be provided to six artists (groups are also accepted).
Please check the following information before applying.
Application Period:2021.1.30(sat)〜2.20(sat)23:59

Program Support Package

Qualifications for Application
6 artists (or artist groups)
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
1) Those who are mainly engaged activities as artists mainly in the field of contemporary art.
2) Those who are based in Kyoto City during the period of studio use.
3) Those who are able to communicate in Japanese or English.
※Artist groups or units can also apply. If selected, one room will be reserved for each artist group or unit. All ages are welcome.
Address:2, Murasakino Nishi-funaokacho, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, JAPAN
Access:1 min walk from Kyoto City Bus stop “Senbon-Kitaohji”(Lines:12/46/59/101/102/204/205/206/north8)
Studio:classroom(normal, 65㎡)×5,(large, 88㎡)
※Room assignments will be decided by HAPS.
Facilities:Air conditioner, internet LAN, electric outlet, lighting

※There will be set up a lounge, where you can use an electric kettle, refrigerator, microwave, toaster, dishes, etc.
Please do not use household appliances in each studio.
Period:2021.April(※1)〜2024. March
Closed on:Summer Holidays, New year Holidays, and specific days that HAPS designates.

※1 The studio is currently under construction and the opening date will be announced when it is ready for use.
※2 Utility bills will be collected. (15,000 yen per month, the amount may vary depending on actual usage)

How to apply

Please submit the papers in the following instruction to apply.
(Japanese or English).
①HAPS studio application form・Please complete the Form following the provided format. (Japanese or English)
・Please submit a maximum of 5 sheets(A4-size) of images or other documentation of your work, clearly indicating the name of the work, year of creation, year of exhibition, and place of exhibition.
More than one photo may be included on one sheet.
Please include the name of the work, the year of creation, year and location of exhibition.
・If you have some Exhibition leaflets, articles of criticism published in newspapers, magazines, etc., please submit a maximum of 10 sheets of A4 paper.
③Data of archive videos of your exhibitions, video works, etc.
It should be no longer than 10 minutes and should include information such as the name of the work, year of creation, the year and place of exhibition , and the duration of the recording.
If the work is sent by post, please submit it on a DVD or USB memory stick.
※Please submit application form, and either ② or ③ (or both) of the above. Please follow the format of each of them. Any other documents or materials will not be considered.
※Submitted materials will not be returned.
※Applications will be accepted by postal or e-mail. Bringing the application papers in person is not acceptable.
In case of posting, please submit two sets pf papers, one original and one copy.
All files must be clearly marked with your name and whether they are originals or copies.

Please write in red on the envelope “HAPS Studio Application”.
When submitting data, please clearly write your name on all files and consolidate them into a single folder named “HAPS Studio Application” (the total size of the folder should not exceed 15MB), and send it by email.→info@haps-kyoto.com
If you do not receive a reply from us within 3 days of sending, please contact us again.
Application Period:2021.1.30(sat)〜2.20(sat)23:59
Selection / Notification
Selection will be made by the HAPS Committee and the HAPS staff.
Jury: Mizuki Endo (President of HAPS) and other members of the HAPS Committee
1st Selection: Document Screening
2nd Selection: Interview (late February – early March 2021, face to face or online)
All applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process in writing (expected mid-March).


339, Yamazaki-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0841 JAPAN

Terms of use

◇You are responsible for cleaning your own studio.
◇There is no car parking. If you need to use your car for moving, please consult with HAPS in advance.
◇Smoking and drinking in the studio is prohibited.
◇A deposit of 30,000 yen is required before the start of use. The deposit will be refunded when you move out, but will be applied to any unpaid utility bills.
◇When you publish or exhibit your work which made in our studio, you must include HAPS’ credit.
◇In addition to the above, you must faithfully follow all other rules and instructions given by HAPS staff.


If any of the following is found to be the case when using the studio, the use of the room may be restricted, or the permission may be suspended or revoked.
(1) When the studio is used for a purpose other than that for which the application was made.
(2) When the user uses the studio without permission on days or during hours for which the user has not received permission.
(3) When the user uses a place other than the studio without permission.
(4) In the event that the user fails to use the facilities, equipment, etc. in an appropriate manner.
(5) When the user fails to use the facilities, equipment, etc. properly.
(6) When the user destroys or damages the facilities, equipment, etc. intentionally or by gross negligence
(7) When the facilities and equipment are lost or damaged, either intentionally or through gross negligence.
(8) When it is recognized that other users or neighboring residents will be disturbed by noise, strange odors, etc.
(9) When it is recognized that there are other obstacles to the smooth management and operation of the facility.
This year we will not be able to offer studio tours in advance due to the facility’s incomplete renovation work during the application period. Please contact HAPS for more information about the studio specifications.