【Application Overview】
The KOKUYO DESIGN AWARDS are an international competition for user-centric product design, where the best of the best are actually put on the consumer market. Last year, we received a total of 1,377 entries from product designers in more than 54 countries. Past award winners have included hit products like the Kadokeshi eraser, Nameless Paints, and the True Measure ruler. We are looking for any and all ideas to turn into actual products. Be sure to submit your design for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARDS 2021.
Corporations, organizations, individuals, and groups are all welcome, regardless of age, sex, professional background, or nationality. Only designs that have never before been shown publicly (in Japan or other countries) are eligible for entry.Entrants must be able to make a presentation at the final judging in Tokyo. ( March 13, 2021)
12:00 (noon) JST on October 19 ( Mon), 2020