
アートワーク提供=黒川岳 デザイン=金田金太郎 制作協力=一般社団法人HAPS

Due to the spread of COVID-19, cultural and artistic projects such as exhibitions and performances were forced to cancel or postpone events resulting in a significant impact on activities supporting cultural art.
This announcement is to notify that to assist those involved in cultural and art-related activities that have lost the opportunity to conduct presentations and productions. We will be accepting applications for cultural and art activities that can be carried out under current circumstances, such as measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and incentive grants will be provided accordingly.


(1) Purpose
In order to assist those activities involved in cultural and art-related that have lost the opportunity to conduct presentations and productions, we will be accepting incentive grant applications for cultural and arts activities (planning and production, implementation, research, etc.) that may be executed under the current circumstances, such as preventing the spread of COVID-19. Upon review of such applications, incentive grants will be provided accordingly.
(2) In-scope fields of cultural arts
Fields listed in Articles 8 to 12 of the Basic Arts and Culture Act. Applications may also be submitted for cross-functional efforts.
A. Literature, music, art, photography, drama, dance (Article 8 of the Basic Arts and Culture Act)
B. Movies, cartoons, animations arts that utilize computers and other electronic devices (media arts) (Article 9 of the same law)
C. Gagaku, Noh, Bunraku, Kabuki, Kumiodori, and other traditional Japanese arts (Article 10 of the same law)
D. Kodan (Storytelling), Rakugo, Rokyoku, Mandan, Manzai, Singing, and other performing arts (Article 11 of the same law)
E. Lifestyle culture (tea ceremonies, kado (Ikebana), calligraphy, food culture* , Other culture related to lifestyles) and national entertainment (Go, Shogi and other national entertainment) (Article 12 of the same law)
※Not applicable to activities with a primary purpose to provide food and beverages. This incentive grant is to encourage cultural and arts activities. Regarding food culture, it is mainly for “dissemination of food culture through activities such as lectures and parent-child cooking class projects, etc”.
(3) Qualifying grantees
An individual or group that applies to all of the following items. Those with corporate status are excluded.
A. The address or activity must be based in Kyoto city.
Notes on filling out activity base
1.Those who have an activity base in Kyoto city,Please fiil out the name and address
2.Those who have an activity base outside in Kyoto,Please fill out the name and address And as well as fill out the name and address of main performance places in Kyoto. (ex Kyoto Art Center/ROHM Theatre Kyoto/THEATRE E9 KYOTO etc)
3.Those who have temporarity used a studio such as Kyoto Art Center or HAPS as an activity base, please fill out the facility name,address and period
B. Established track record of activities related to the promotion and dissemination of cultural arts in the Kyoto city area. (Includes those who have produced and presented at city facilities such as the Kyoto Art Center and ROHM Theater Kyoto, as well as those who have exhibited at the gallery.)
C. Due to the influence of COVID-19, suffered a loss in opportunities for activities such as work production, exhibitions, performances, etc., and income is expected to decline.
The same person cannot submit multiple applications or be a member of a group submitting separate applications.
In the case of a group, all members must qualify with the above items.
(4) Implementation period of the project
From the decision date to Monday, August 31, 2020
The applied activities shall be conducted, if it is difficulties are encountered with social circumstances, performances and projects are not necessarily required to be completed within this period.
(5) Qualifying activities
A. Expression department (writer, director, performer, actor, dancer, etc.)
・ Cultural and artistic activities that can maintain “social distancing” (video distribution of works/performances, etc.)
・ Preparation for production of new exhibitions and performance projects towards the resumption period
・ Research including workshops and lectures
・ New expression that combines the above
B. Management and technical department (Production staff, stage director, technical staff such as lighting, audio & video, curator, etc.)
・Research activities of past works and efforts to improve skills conducted by stage technical staff
・ Planning and development of new exhibitions and performance projects for the resumption period
The activities are only examples, so please feel free to apply without restriction to the above.
Prevention of infection is considered a prerequisite such as: refraining from going outside for nonurgent and unnecessary reasons, avoiding the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, close contact), and no mass gatherings of people.
(6) Number of the incentive grant
Approximately 150 to 200 applications
(7) Incentive grants
A fixed amount of 300,000 yen per application (upper limit) (※ taxable income)
However, the amount may be reduced to a lower limit of 200,000 yen depending on the number of applications accepted.
Applications for a fixed amount or activities exceeding 300,000 yen may also be accepted.
May be applied for any expenses related to purchasing equipment and materials necessary to conduct the activity.
(8) Review
Based on the submitted documents, the review committee consisting of academic experts and those familiar with the cultural and art business activities will conduct reviews from the following perspective and determine the incentive grant.
① Will the results widely benefit citizens?
② Can the method be implemented reliably and appropriately in response to the current situation (social distance measures, prevents the spread of infection such as avoiding the 3Cs, expression method, generates income, feasibility, etc.)
③ Whether the results contribute to the development of culture and art (sustainability of activities, progressiveness, etc.)
Level of art and skill is not evaluated.
(9) Submission of reports
Grantees are requested to submit activity result reports and financial statements report within 30 days from the end of the implementation period of incentive operations.
(10) Other
For distinctive projects, continuing support from Kyoto City or related organizations such as the Kyoto Art Center may be considered.
ROHM Theatre Kyoto is planning to offer part of our facilities for activities using emergency subsidies.


We have a large number of applications and are taking a long time to notify the results. Starting from this week, you will be notified of your results in the mail.
You will also be notified by mail if your application is not accepted.
In addition, the Kyoto Art Center will contact you if there are any inadequacies in your application.
We apologize for the long wait.

(1) Application form
●Grant application (No. 1 style)
●Income and expenditure budget (No. 2 style)
●Documents to prove previous activities (approximately three A4 pages, any format, pictures, brochures)
●Questionnaire related to the activity status of artists in Kyoto
*Responses will not affect the screening.
(2) Application period
From May 7 (Thursday) to May 17 (Sunday), 2020
(3) How to submit and to whom
Submit the forms online or by mail.
○ Online submission
Deadline: 5 p.m., May 17 (Sunday), 2020
[Application procedures] [1] Fill in the following application form and send it.
[2] You will receive a completion notice email. Attach documents to prove previous activities (approximately three A4 size sheets, any format, pictures, brochures, etc.) to the email and send it.
[3] Answer the questionnaire.
(Individuals are required to respond to the form for individuals. A representative of an organization/ business establishment shall respond to two types: for the individual and organization/business establishments.)
If you are a group of more than 11, please send the application by mail.
The application form or questionnaire cannot be stored temporality. Allow enough time to fill them in.
When you only have printed materials to prove previous activities and cannot attach them to the notice email, send them by mail.
Make sure you write the application number in the notice email on the envelope or a sticky note on the materials, and send it to:
Mailing address:〒550-0013 6F, Taiyo Nissan Shinmachi Building 1-16-1 Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, JAPAN
KNT Business Create CO., LTD  West Japan Sales Department
Kyoto City Cultural Arts Activity Emergency Incentive Grant Office
Application Form for “Kyoto City Cultural Arts Activity Emergency Incentive Grant” for Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19)
Questionnaire related to the activity status of artists in Kyoto
○ Mail submission
Deadline: May 17 (Sunday), 2020 (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)
Mail two types of grant application forms, questionnaire, and documents to prove your previous activities to:
Mailing address:〒550-0013 6F, Taiyo Nissan Shinmachi Building 1-16-1 Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, JAPAN
KNT Business Create CO., LTD  West Japan Sales Department
Kyoto City Cultural Arts Activity Emergency Incentive Grant Office
Note : Write “Kyoto city cultural art activity emergency encouragement” in red on the envelope
Click here to download the grant application (No. 1 style) and the income and expenditure budget (No. 2 style).
Click here to download the questionnaire related to the activity status of artists in Kyoto (for individual persons)
Click here to download the questionnaire related to the activity status of artists in Kyoto (for organizations and business establishments)


A. The same person may not be a member of an organization that makes multiple applications or makes separate applications.
B. Those who have applied for this incentive grant cannot apply for the “Kyoto City Small and Medium Enterprise Emergency Support Subsidy.” In addition, you may apply for subsidies from the national government and Kyoto Prefecture.
C. The expenses required for submission shall be borne by the applicant.
D. Submitted documents will not be returned.
E. Please make an effort to ensure the results achieved through the incentive grant is transmitted and benefits many citizens.
F. After completion for the activities, we may request cooperation & collaboration with the city’s business/measures, and there are plans to post information about the event activities on the official website of the city (optional).


Grantees will be determined by the end of May, and all applicants will be notified of the results accordingly. The incentive grants will be issued promptly after the incentive grant decision is finalized.
The grantee is required to submit activity result reports and financial statements report within 30 days after completion of the operations under the application.


FAQ list
【Dedicated call center】
Kyoto City Cultural Arts Activity Emergency Incentive Grant Office
E-mail: tsc-desk4@gp.knt.co.jp
【Regarding the overall policies】
Culture and Arts Planning Division, Culture and Arts City Promotion Office, Kyoto City Culture and Citizen Bureau
Phone: 075-366-0033(Time: 9am to 5pm) FAX: 075-213-3181
【Consultations regarding activities】
Phone: 075-525-7525(Time: 11am to 5pm / Closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays)
E-mail :info@haps-kyoto.com
* Consultations/inquiries are, in principle, accepted via e-mail. (Due to work from home measures, phone or fax inquiries may take additional time.)