【Application Overview】
Since last year, PARADISE AIR has been running the MATSUDO AWARD program to invite artists who are closely connected with the city of Matsudo to create artwork in the city.
This year, as a response to the current situation, we are launching a call to offer a special 3-week experience at PARADISE AIR, allowing artists to create artworks in Matsudo in this time of coronavirus outbreak. MATSUDO AWARD will temporarily change its name to MATSUDO “QOL” AWARD and only invite artists who live within 60 minutes of Matsudo station. QOL means “Quality of Life,” but here, we also aim to provide a safe place for artists while maintaining the state of “Quarantine of Laureate.”
With much of the world under isolation in this time of coronavirus, it has become a difficult situation for arts and culture than ever before. Direct interaction with others and opportunities for artists to create work and present them have been limited. This is a project where we start whatever we can do to support artists in this situation.
The chosen artist will be provided funding (per diem per stay) which can be used for living expenses during the program, a private space, and production time at PARADISE AIR.
By offering a working environment separated from home for a set period of time (three weeks), this program aims to create time and space for artists to focus on creation for the future of themselves and their works.
【Deadline】Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (JST)