【Application Overview】
There are no conditions on type of project (for example, installation, video, music, performance, etc.). Applicants are free to plan their project in any way they choose to be presented on the streets of Roppongi during Roppongi Art Night 2020.
【Application Conditions】
Applications are accepted for projects that fit into the following conditions of production costs, project type, and venue. Please select the applicable category for your proposal.
① Production Costs (including costs for installing and anything related to artwork)
▪ Max. 500,000 yen
▪ Max. 1,000,000 yen
▪ Max. 1,500,000 yen
* All are inclusive of taxes.
* Includes all costs of transporting, exhibiting, removing and performance of the work.
* Roppongi Art Night Executive Committee holds the ownership rights of newly commissioned artworks whose production cost is covered by this project.
* After completion of the screening and selection process, production costs will be discussed individually with applicants to a final budget set.
② Type of Project
▪ Installation (artwork exhibition)
▪ Video
▪ Music
▪ Performance
▪ Others
③ Venue of Exhibition or Presentation of Project
▪ Outdoor (recommended)
▪ Indoor
* Please include any requests regarding the venue where the project will be exhibited or presented.
* Proposals for Roppongi Crossing (clock tower) is particularly welcomed.
【deadline】Sunday, December 15, 2019.