【Application Overview】
Chishima Foundation for Creative Osaka offers the following two public Grant Programs designed to enhance the creative environment in Osaka, and improve the working conditions for artists and creators in a new, creativity-inspiring environment.
Grant money as partial funding aimed to intensify creative endeavors in Osaka through support of artists and creators working in and around the city.
【Target Group】
・All individuals or groups under 30 years old (any corporate or non-corporate form) engaging in creative activities to which one of the following applies.
・Young artists and creators who have just embarked on their careers to become key players in the next generation.
・Artists and creators engaging in pioneering and/or experimental activities.
【Eligible Types of Activity】
・Activities within or outside Osaka Prefecture (including overseas) by eligible persons based in Osaka Prefecture.
・Activities within Osaka Prefecture by eligible persons based outside Osaka Prefecture.
・Any genre is accepted as long as activities are of a creative nature.
・Eligible types of activity include, next to the exhibition of works, also environmental improvement, system set-up, etc.
【Amount of Grant Money】JPY 300,000 per case