Research session for *XYZ* (2015) by Eduardo Navarro with students from Sharjah Al Hemam Training Centre, 2014.
Commissioned by Sharjah Biennial 12: “The past, the present, the possible.”
Courtesy Sharjah Art Foundation.
Photo: Alfredo Rubio.
ULTRA X HAPS TALK 004 “Parts of a Whole”
Eungie Joo
(Artistic Director, 5th Anyang Public Art Project/APAP 5, Anyang, Korea)
In this talk, Eungie Joo will address her work with international contemporary artist to develop strands of communication, collaboration, friendship and community through exhibitions and programming. Specifically, she will discuss works featured in the “2012 New Museum Triennial: The Ungovernables” and “Sharjah Biennial 12: The past, the present, the possible”(2015) to reveal research and programming strategies as well as organizing principles of these projects as they demonstrate a curatorial practice. The presentation will consider how artistic practices emerging from different contexts can be seen as part of a larger conversation of contemporary culture and imagination.

About the Talk

Time/Date: 19:00-20:30 Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Venue: Lecture Room 3, Campus Plaza Kyoto ( 939 Higashi-Shiokoji, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto )
Admission: Free (Booking required)
Seating Capacity: 100
Organized by: Kyoto University of Art and Design, Graduate School of Art and Design Studies /
Higashiyama Artists Placement Service(HAPS)

About the Speaker

Eungie Joo (Artistic Director, 5th Anyang Public Art Project/APAP 5, Anyang, Korea)
Eungie Joo is artistic director of the 5th Anyang Public Art Project/APAP 5, which opens October 15, 2016 in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. She was curator of “Sharjah Biennial 12: The past, the present, the possible” (2015), in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Prior to that, Joo was Director of Art and Cultural Programs at Instituto Inhotim in Brumadinho, Brasil. From 2007-2014, she was Keith Haring Director and Curator of Education and Public Programs at the New Museum, New York, where she spearheaded the Museum as Hub program; commissioned the monthly seminar Night School by Anton Vidokle (2008-9); and edited the Art Spaces Directory (2012), a guide to over 400 independent art spaces from ninety-six countries. Joo was curator of the 2012 New Museum Generational Triennial, “The Ungovernables” and served as commissioner of the Korean Pavilion at the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009, where she presented “Condensation: Haegue Yang.” Joo was founding Director and Curator of the Gallery at REDCAT, Los Angeles, from 2003 to 2007, where she commissioned new works by Mark Bradford, Sora Kim, Damián Ortega, Taro Shinoda, and Kara Walker. She received her doctorate from the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.

Booking & Inquiries

For Booking and Inquiries:
*Please send 1.Name, 2.Number of participants, 3.Phone number or email address, 4.Occupation (for student, please note the school name)


Connecting Kyoto and the World through Contemporary Art
The environment surrounding contemporary art has become vastly more complex over the past few decades. Faced with this situation, it is no easy task for artists to find a way to be active at a global level. Naturally, it is virtually impossible to get a firm grasp on the art scenes that are being produced concurrently all over the world. In particular, in neighboring Asian countries that are seeing rapid economic growth and modernization, there are more opportunities than ever before to show one’s work, taking into account the new art museums and art fairs that are being established, and the flourishing numbers of international exhibitions. Although global attention focused on this region has increased, the situation is quite different in Japan, where there is a general sense that the work of developing art-related institutions has been finished. However, it is precisely this state of affairs that has led to a renewed questioning of how global networks are constructed, a reconsideration of how institutionalization works, and the role of artists in society.
In Kyoto, art schools produce a large number of new artists each year. But what kinds of connections might one discover today between this center of traditional Japanese culture and the world of contemporary art that has grown ever more complex in this way? The “ULTRA x HAPS” series of talks, jointly organized by Kyoto University of Art and Design and Higashiyama Artists Placement Service (HAPS), will invite artists, curators, collectors, researchers, and gallerists from the world’s major cities to hold discussions that will allow participants to deepen their understanding and experience of the world.
① The “ULTRA×HAPS” talks are part of the Curatorial Research Program of Higashiyama Artists Placement Service (HAPS), which seeks to provide support to young emerging artists.
② ULTRA is named after the Ultra Factory at Kyoto University of Art and Design, which seeks to cultivate transcendent forms of creativity.
③ The Kyoto University of Art and Design is dedicated to establishing an institution that will foster artists from Kyoto who aim to work in the contemporary art world at a global level.